The World’s Most Expensive Diamond

Expensive Diamond Sells for Record Price

In 2014 Hong Kong real estate mogul Joseph Lau bought his daughter, Zoe, a rare 10 carat blue diamond for $32.6 million! But when his other daughter, Josephine, found out she understandably became jealous and asked him for an expensive diamond too. He couldn’t help but feel guilty and obliged to buy her something special as well. But Zoe’s diamond is one of a kind. So he planned to buy Josephine an even bigger and more expensive diamond.

In late 2015 at a Sotheby’s auction, Mr. Lau was the top bidder on an insanely rare 12 carat “blue moon” diamond. He paid in Swiss francs equivalent to US $48.4 million, which set a new record for the world’s most expensive diamond ever sold! And he bought it for his little princess. Maybe it’s just me but I think somebody is trying a little too hard to win the world’s greatest dad award. 😛


Some people are not convinced that spoiling his daughter with a fancy vivid blue diamond ring is the best parenting move he could have made, especially considering that Josephine is only 7 years old. 😀 But next to sound judgment, diamonds are the rarest things in the world, at least according to De Beers. 😛 Since Mr. Lau has an estimated net worth of $10 billion, I can’t blame him for wanting to splurge on his family once in awhile.

I’m actually more concerned for his daughter’s safety. I hope she doesn’t wear the ring to school, lol. And talk about high standards. Imagine being the chap to buy her an engagement ring in the future. She was given a 12 carat diamond ring at the age of 7. How in the ham sandwich is a guy suppose to top that? If her future fiancée would like to impress her father, he would be under more pressure than it took to make the world’s most expensive diamond.

Speaking of gems. My blogging friend just launched his first mini eBook “5 Simple Tools To Save You Big Money Every Day.” I gave it a read and it’s got some pretty useful information in there for people who want to have more control over their finances. It’s only 10 pages long so it’s not a time-consuming read. Here’s a snippet from the eBook.

“Last year I earned $1,052 with my cash back credit card just for buying stuff I would have purchased anyway ­no effort required.” ~Stephen

If you want to have the eBook emailed to you as well you can find out how over on his blog,  Oh yeah, it’s also free. 🙂

Random Useless Fact:

Obesity is the number one health problem among dogs.





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02/18/2016 6:52 am

Diamonds are so NOT rare! The diamond market, and its prices, is a wholly fabricated one (read fraudulent).

Guess even billionaires do stupid things with money. Also demonstrates just how detached from reality rich folk can be.

02/18/2016 1:37 pm
Reply to  Anon

Yup. That’s the story I know. Diamond isn’t rare and the price is manipulated. I would buy gold or silver instead.