Fiscal Update – May 2015 – Farm Rent

Sell in May and go away. It’s typical for stock markets to fall in May and that’s exactly what happened this year in Canada. Since stocks make up a quarter of my net worth, a 2% decline to the TSX Composite translates into thousands of dollars of paper loss for my investment portfolio. If this was a normal month my net worth would drop. 🙁 But luckily I was paid $4,500 of rent in May. The next time my tenant pays me again will be in October. I also received a small tax return. 🙂 When assets are worth less, it’s nice to have some extra sources of income to make up the gap. 🙂 I used the extra money this month to invest in chocolate.

*Side Income:

  • Part-Time Work = $600
  • Dividends = $400
  • Interest = $200
*Discretionary Spending:
  • Fun = $100
  • Debt Interest = $1500

*Net Worth: (MoM)

  • Assets: = $902,400 total (+3900)
  • Cash = $4,500 (+100)
  • Stocks CDN =$94,900 (-1600)
  • Stocks US = $65,300 (+5900)
  • RRSP = $52,700 (-500)
  • MICs = $15,000
  • Home = $259,000
  • Farms = $411,000
  • Debts: = $512,400 total (-200)
  • Mortgage = $193,900 (-400)
  • Farm Loans = $201,200 (-400)
  • Margin Loan CDN = $31,500 (+2300)
  • Margin Loan US = $25,700 (+500)
  • TD Line of Credit = $27,000  (-1600)
  • CIBC Line of Credit = $10,000
  • HELOC = $18,200
  • RRSP Loans = $4,900 (-600)

*Total Net Worth = $390,000 (+$4,100 / +1.1%)
All numbers above are in $CDN. Conversion rate used: 1.00 CAD = 0.80 USD

I’m planning to shake up my asset column in June by adding a sizeable stake in a renewable energy company. At the beginning of this year I mentioned that one of my goals is to use my money to help make this world more environmentally friendly by investing in green technologies and renewable energy companies. I’ll be blogging more about this topic shortly. So far I can see there is huge potential in this space to make a 10% return or higher. I’m currently in talks with a broker about investing five figures into a clean energy fund for myself. Over the next month or so I’ll let you guys know how things are going and how I plan to earn large returns in this relatively new sector without too much risk. I’m already looking forward to my next net worth update! 🙂

Random Useless Fact



Author: Liquid Independence

Editor in Chief at Freedom 35 Blog.

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06/04/2015 6:11 am

Congrats on a nice 1.1% increase in net worth! Love that comparison of photographing objects. So true 🙂


06/04/2015 8:04 am

$400K of networth is coming. Congrats on your progress. I’ll have to check back to see your deal with the clean energy. It sounds very intriguing.

06/04/2015 8:55 am

I disagree with your little comparison…

But well done on your increase despite the market. That shows smart and diversified allocation of your investments, right?
I’m curious about your renewable energy investment because I sometimes work in that field…

06/04/2015 12:14 pm

Nice progress there Liquid! $400k milestone is just ahead.

Investing Pursuits
06/04/2015 4:39 pm

You will hit the $400000 in net worth in the very near future

My Road to Wealth and Freedom
06/05/2015 6:53 am

Nice job on nearing the $400k mark. It’s nice to have a diversified income stream, it helps smooth things out. I’ll check back on your progress soon and I’m interested in seeing how you make out with the renewable energy investment.

06/07/2015 4:45 pm

Another month of gains! Great job! Hopefully I can catch up someday!