Poll Results – Occupation

Time again to learn about you, the readers 😀 Earlier this year I put up a poll on freedom 35 blog to find out what you all did for a living. Thanks to everyone who voted (^_^) Here are the results below.

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Most of you are in high paying sectors of the economy. That’s great to see 😀 There are more technical and professional specialists than any other single occupation. 10% of readers are in the same profession as myself (arts and media.) Only one reader voted for the sales/retail category. Overall it appears that the occupations of people reading this blog matches the income that they’re making in the previous poll, about income.

I think readers in the two highest categories (financials and professional/tech) are over represented as visitors to personal finance blogs because they work hard and sacrifice more to earn a better living so money is probably important to them. I also like money 🙂 but I’m not cut out to work in an industry that requires more than 45 hours of work per week 😛 I’ve tried to be a workaholic before but I just burned out and didn’t like the high stress environment I was in. But everyone’s different. I know a fellow blogger who works at Amazon.com not too far from Vancouver. She’s only in her twenties but makes over $10,000 a month and receives bonuses multiple times a year which not everyone who works at the company gets 😀 Working hard as an engineer for one of the most competitive software giants in the world seems to fit her lifestyle, but it’s not for me 🙂 She has a higher net worth than I do, but the important thing to realize is that she’s also exceptionally talented at managing her own finances 😉 and that’s ultimately how long term wealth can be created and sustained.

I think the take away is if you want to be rich, push yourself to get a computer science degree or excel in one of those other top occupations like health care for example, but if you don’t like to work hard then at least continue reading financial websites out there because if high income earners who care about their money are gravitating towards those kinds of sites for information then perhaps we can all learn something from them 🙂 Knowledge is power (^_^)

Random Useless Fact: Wise words from Jake.

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Laurie @thefrugalfarmer
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer
06/11/2013 4:04 am

Interesting info here. I was surprise to see the low number of “trades” readers. I wonder if this is the same throughout the PF blogging world. I know lots of trades people, probably due to the area I grew up in, and most of them have very little interest in personal finance. For me personally, I did spend 15 years working in personal finance, but I found money and its management fascinating far before that, probably because I grew up not having any. 🙂

06/11/2013 5:20 am

Wow, I want to work at Amazon, hahah! Interesting results.

06/11/2013 6:28 am

That Amazon job sounds sweet!

06/11/2013 6:09 pm

Interesting results but for some reason I don’t think I’m surprised. Too bad only 50 people completed the poll…. but none the less you picked up some great results. Yes that Amazon job sounds great but I’m sure it comes with lots of responsibility as well.

The Loonie Bin
The Loonie Bin
06/12/2013 6:34 pm

I worked my way up through the trades to have a very nice salary with all the perks. It is possible, but I did bust my hump to get here. I know some people who worked in northern Alberta in their early twenties, lived out of a camp and saved all their money to buy a $450,000 house with cash. Although I’d say he was a select few who had the desire to do that lol.

Alex Yang (@yyangalex)
06/13/2013 10:21 am

now we know why Amazon has so much revenue, but so little profit LOL

joking aside, americans work much more than canadians! paid 20% more but working 20% more hours as well. the engineers at our cdn office work hours like 10 to 6. the US office engineers are more like 8 to 6. i remember as an intern in silicon valley, a couple times when i worked until 2am (my manager was there too) and then had to come back at 9am for a meeting.