Keyword Searches – June 16th

The following examples are recent keywords that random people have typed into their search engines, and have brought them to my freedom 35 blog. I’m posting these inquiries up because other readers might be wondering about the same things.

June 16 – from Toronto, ON…
i have a td account will i get charged for taking money out at cibc
If you don’t have an account with CIBC then you probably can’t take your money out at a CIBC bank. If you are withdrawing money from a bank machine (ABM) that is not from your own bank then you will be charged a small fee. (usually $1.50)

June 15 – from Oyo, Nigeria…
freedom from job income
It’s possible to become completely free from your job and still make a comfortable income. 2 years ago I made about $1K from my investments. Last year I made about $2K. This year I’m looking at $4K. It will probably take 10 more years before the passive income can sustain my lifestyle, but I think it’s totally worth it.

June 14 – Kitchener, ON…
canadian repatriate offshore money
Commonly “repatriation” refers to companies or governments bringing money back into the home country. If there are Canadian companies who do business in other countries and make a profit overseas, they will most likely reinvest that offshore money back into that location, (expanding their manufacturing facility in China for example.) This way, they don’t pay Canadian taxes on that profit :). The only time they would bring money back into Canada might be to cover a capital loss in their Canadian division, or for emergencies.

June 14 – from Europe…
hot sectors for 2013
Probably similar to 2012. Mining, welding, piping, (anything related to trades.) As well as medicine, accounting, auditing, law, and other professionals.

June 13 – from Hounslow, UK…
financial problems in world
There are many financial difficulties facing the world today.

  • The top 2% of adults in the world owns 50% of all the wealth there is, and the gap is still growing between the rich and poor.
  • Greece, Italy, Ireland, and Spain spend more money than they make, and face the risk of running out of money to pay for basic public services like education, health care, policing, etc.
  • Housing prices are still low, and unemployment is still high in the US.
  • Even the wealthy have their own financial problems.


Random Useless Fact: No words in the modern English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.

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Jeremy @ Modest Money
06/17/2012 8:58 am

I think I said this last time you published one of these keyword searches posts, but I really like how you do this. It’s a good idea to try to answer questions of people who have ended up on your blog. Plus it’s a good way to educate people on a bunch of random topics. Nice work.

06/18/2012 6:04 am

Thanks. You can try it too. There must be so many more searches about your blog lol.

06/17/2012 8:42 pm

One of the top search for my blog is “Puss Finger” lol…

06/18/2012 6:13 am
Reply to  PC

Haha, eww! And why did I just Google image searched that (>_<)

06/18/2012 5:30 pm

Hi just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Its always great to see a new name in the comments! cheers 🙂

06/19/2012 4:46 am
Reply to  munchkin

Thanks for dropping by yourself.