Weekend News – Dollarama Split

Stock Split

Earlier this year I wrote a post about buying Dollarama stocks. 🙂 I mentioned $DOL has a history of growing profits and I like the financials of the business. I saw potential promise so I acted accordingly. Well today, about 7 months later, my investment in this thrift store is up over 20%, which has outperformed the TSX/S&P Composite by 5 times during the same period. Not too shabby. 😉 Making money in the stock market is all about knowing which companies to look for. 😀 And earlier this month Dollarama shares split 2 for 1 because its shares were getting too pricey. This is great news for shareholders! I list all my other TFSA holdings on the blog’s portfolio page.

Like Uber in the Sky

Happy Thanksgiving to friends south of the border. 🙂 If you are travelling by air during this time of the year then you may be interested in this new service called Bounce. Teterboro airport (in New Jersey) is one of the busiest of its kind in the country. Bounce is a service that will pick up passengers by helicopter from New York City, and fly them to Teterboro airport where presumably their private jet will be waiting for them. This is a great business idea and I’m sure will become popular. How it works is you call the service to pick you up. Within 20 minutes a Bounce chopper will arrive on your helipad. You pay $800 for up to 6 people, and the helicopter takes you to the airport.


$800 might seem expensive as first, but when you split it between 6 passengers that’s only $133 per person. That’s roughly the same price as taking a black car or limo to the airport anyway. But instead of spending 45 minutes in traffic in a car, Bounce will get you to your destination in less than 5 minutes by air. 😀 Now you can travel in style. I would totally use this service if it was available in Canada. 🙂

Holiday Shopping Facts

  • According to ShopAdvior, the average discount for goods on Black Friday is only 5% less than average. The largest discount during the holiday season is actually on December 18 at about 17% cheaper on average. Pro tip: Don’t do all your holiday shopping on Black Friday. Prices are usually lower later in the year. 🙂
  • 12% of Thanksgiving Day shoppers admit to being under the influence of alcohol while shopping.
  • Two women in California began camping out at Best Buy 22 days before Black Friday this year, so they can be the first in line for deals. 😐
  • About 140 million consumers will shop in stores or online this weekend
  • 70% of consumers say Black Friday is meaningless because “there will be more sales throughout the holidays.”
  • 39% of Americans feel pressured to spend more than they can afford during the holiday season.
  • 71% of consumers say they may not like the gift they receive over the holidays.




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11/27/2014 9:10 pm

Thanks for the mentioning in here! 🙂

Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
11/28/2014 12:40 am

My cousin just bought one 34″inch flat TV and 3 50″inch flat TV. He told me that the prices are really low when the Black Friday come.

11/28/2014 6:11 am

Thanks for the pingback! I have to say thanks as well for the reminder that today is not the best day to shop for deals. I just don’t feel the want or need to get sucked in.;-) Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Asset Grinder
Asset Grinder
11/28/2014 9:12 am

thanks for the mention. As for dollarama, I had it, then got rid of it, now regretting it lol.. Thats how it goes!

Brian So
Brian So
11/28/2014 10:52 am

Thanks for the mention! There are so many Dollaramas in the lower mainland that all other dollar stores are becoming obsolete. How long will you hold it for?

Jason @ Islands of Investing
Jason @ Islands of Investing
11/28/2014 11:29 am

Thanks for reading my post and highlighting it here Liquid Independence! Quite a list of great posts over the week!

Debt Hater
Debt Hater
11/28/2014 11:34 am

Thanks for the mention 🙂 Interesting to know that the discount on Black Friday is actually very insignificant compared to the way all these retailers advertise sales. Maybe it’s because of all the drunk shoppers that they make so much money, haha.

No More Waffles
11/29/2014 1:02 am


Thanks for the mention, pal! Really appreciate it! I’ll definitely check out the list of other bloggers… Some well-known names and new ones in there.

Black Friday shopping is something that’s not very big over here in Belgium, so it’s weird for us to see some of the frenzy that goes on in the US. Personally I love Black Friday for the awesome deals on video games I’m getting – can’t say no to 80+% off!

Have a great weekend,

Mark Seed (@myownadvisor)
11/29/2014 4:01 am

Thanks for the mention Liquid. I’m trying to avoid any shopping this weekend 🙂

11/29/2014 8:45 am

Congrats on your Dollarama stock! Such a great growth stock. I regret selling out mine.

The Asian Pear
11/29/2014 3:44 pm

Those Black Friday stats are interesting… I wonder how it measures up against stats from Boxing Day.
Thanks for including me in the blog roll-up. 🙂

PS – I spent a lot of time at Dollarama today so I just made you more money today. XD

November 2014 Budget Roundup = $278,286.68 or an increase of $22,642.33 or 8.86%
03/13/2015 3:33 pm

[…] Dollarama stock split […]