Fiscal Update July 2014 – Fixed Income Splurge

July was a decent month. So far in 2014 my wealth has grown by $100,000! Most of that came from investment gains. Awesome possum! 😀 My asset column is growing steadily. If I hypothetically buy a one bedroom, shoebox condo tomorrow for $200,000 then BOOM! I’d technically be a millionaire by gross assets! Just thinking about that gets me all kinds of excited 😀 But I have to be careful not to over extend myself with leverage.

It’s an interesting realization that my current $303,600 net worth is about 36% of my total assets. This means a 36% correction of my overall investments right now would WIPE OUT my entire net worth. POOF! All my wealth would just disappear before my eyes 😥  Hopefully that won’t happen but who knows what the future holds 😕 That’s what I love about finance, it’s like a box of chocolates; I never know what surprise will await me 😉

Anyway it’s getting harder to find undervalued investments these days with the equities market being so darn high. So I took a slightly different direction with my investments recently. Rather than picking stocks, I spent over $10,000 instead on a huge shopping spree in July to purchase fixed income assets like bonds and MICs. Most of this spending had to come from new borrowed money but that’s okay. I’m not too worried right now because I emphatically feel like my debt will somehow take care of itself later 😉 #fingerscrossed

*Side Income:

  • Part-Time Work = $800
  • Dividends = $500
*Discretionary Spending:
  • Eating Out = $100
  • Others = $200

*Net Worth: (MoM)

  • Assets: = $838,300 total (+13,100)
  • Cash = $2000 (+1200)
  • Stocks CDN =$92,600 (-300)
  • Stocks US = $52,700 (+600)
  • RRSP = $49,000 (+6600)
  • MICs = $15,000 (+5000)
  • Home = $254,000 (same)
  • Farms = $373,000 (same)
  • Debts: = $534,700 total (+6,800)
  • Mortgage = $197,700 (-400)
  • Farm Loans = $205,600 (-500)
  • Margin Loan CDN = $30,400 (-400)
  • Margin Loan US = $23,900 (-1000)
  • TD Line of Credit = $32,200  (-400)
  • CIBC Line of Credit = $12,700 (-400)
  • HELOC = $18,700 (-1000)
  • RRSP Loans = $13,500 (+10,900)

*Total Net Worth = $303,600 (+2.12%)
All numbers above are in $CDN. Conversion rate used: 1.00 USD = 1.09 CAD

On the asset side, thanks to the inclusion of the new bonds, my RRSP is now almost at $50K 🙂 I decided to add my $5K of new MICs to the “MICs” asset category (and did not include the value in my “RRSP” category) even though they’re held in my RRSP account. This is for more descriptive bookkeeping purpose only. On the debt side my “RRSP loans” went up big time, but I plan to pay it down at least $1K a month. For the time being I want to just hold onto my current assets. Today I have about 75% of my assets in hard wealth, and 25% in paper wealth. That seems to be a good balance for me 🙂

Random Useless Fact:

The Hawaiian pizza was invented in Ontario, Canada.  And the California Roll (sushi) was invented in Vancouver, BC Canada.

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08/04/2014 6:46 am

Wow!! You are killing it, man. Congrats on yet another very successful month. Inspiring as always.


ps: had no idea the hawaiian pizza and california rolls were Canadian inventions 🙂 I knew the California roll was a western thing and the Japanese hate it when you call somethign a Calif roll.

Not Working
Not Working
08/04/2014 7:10 am

I am about to shift you i am at $261,249.08 now, my entreprise is going sooooo well i can’t believe it.

Keep working hard men it’s gonna be all worth it when we are old 😀

08/04/2014 12:07 pm

Great to see your net worth continue to rise. 2014 has been a banner year for you. Keep up the aggressive asset building.

Do you know if MIC’s allow international investors?

Investing Pursuits
Investing Pursuits
08/04/2014 3:09 pm

Congrats on another solid month… A $100000 increase this year in net worth is quite impressive

08/04/2014 8:11 pm

Exponential curves are truly amazing things if you have the patience to watch them grow… Congratulations as usual my friend….. Keep an eye on the prize at all times, and listen only to your own drum beat. Only you will know what will work for you. – Cheers

08/04/2014 10:00 pm

Awesome gains, congrats on breaking the $300k net worth 🙂 I’m falling behind, I better step it up a bit!
July was a rising month for my stocks, but the last couple days wiped me out $6k in paper profits.

Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
08/05/2014 1:45 am

Wow, another solid income, congratulations! I love pizza too, but I didn’t know that it came from Canada.

08/05/2014 6:32 am

“…I emphatically feel like my debt will somehow take care of itself later”
LOL, I really hope you’re right. You are leveraged WAY beyond my comfort zone.
Good update

08/05/2014 2:30 pm

2% gain is pretty damn solid if you ask me especially after theat huge upward swing u had couple months ago. I like you have everything working for you with the rrsp loan and Heloc. Things I might consider when the time and opportunity is right. Yes it has accelerated your gains as long as you are fine with leveraging its all good.

Good Day and Grind On!

My Road to Wealth and Freedom
08/05/2014 9:40 pm

Liquid congrats on increasing your net worth by $100,000 so far this year! That’s great, it usually takes me an entire year to get an increase like that. I just wouldn’t feel comfortable using that much leverage, but like you say to achieve your goal you gotta step it up a little!


Will @ First Quarter Finance
08/06/2014 7:01 am

Huh, I didn’t know you farmed. What crop(s)?

08/07/2014 2:47 pm

Huh. Interesting. I was expecting “corn”.

08/06/2014 2:37 pm

Great job, you are having a very successful month!

08/07/2014 3:53 am

Love the steepness of the net worth graph at the end there!

08/07/2014 5:28 am

Luck has nothing to do with it, when you pre-plan where you want to be – Freedom Thirty-Five ring a bell? I’m not saying everything will work out all the time, but the trend will work out with the effort in. Your chart is a result of your thoughtful planning and execution of said plan my friend. – Cheers

Marie @ PF Pro
Marie @ PF Pro
08/07/2014 3:49 pm

That’s a good part time income! I’m a big fan of pizza and sushi too btw! 🙂

10/12/2014 8:20 pm

He don’t include a single negative cash flow item in your calculations.

Things like loan interest payments, rental property maintenance and property tax would decrease the yearly cash flow.

Other investment cash flow like the dividend 15 percent tax rate also would drag down the total yearly cash flow from 60,000.

It’s also important to note that such aggressive leveraging as way to get rich works great in a economic feast period/credit bubble like for Canada but will have a much more miserable outcome during any economic down turn especially when the investor has minimal liquid assets in reserve to survive a famine period.


[…] went on a fixed income splurge this year, buying $20,000 of interest producing assets. My $10K investment in the private company […]

01/31/2015 5:17 am

Great work. Wow borrowing money to invest is risky but you are managing the risky very well. keep up the great work!


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