Excuse to Save Money, the World is Ending

There have been a lot of chat lately about how the world is ending this Friday, Dec 21st. If the apocalypse really is near then I’m afraid there’s little we can do about it. But if nothing happens then those ancient Mayans were some of the best trolls ever ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

World ends :0( Mayan Calender predicts doom. Truth or nonsense?

Despite what the outcome may be, can this prediction benefit our financial lives? Yup, you bet 🙂  If you haven’t done all your holiday shopping yet, just tell your friends and family that there’s no point getting each other Christmas gifts because we’ll never get the chance to celebrate Christmas this year. Tell them you are busy making end of the world “preparations” and if they really respect you then they will understand, hopefully.  However, you should now be able to save tons of money on not having to buy presents anymore 😀  Which is good in the event that the world doesn’t end. And nobody can fault you for being cautious :0)


goats pupils are rectangular, world is endingRandom Useless Fact:  Some animals like goats have rectangular pupils which give them 320-340 degrees vision. This means goats can see pretty much all around them without having to move their eyes. Human vision by comparison only covers 160 -210 degrees 🙁    (source)

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12/18/2012 5:00 am

Love the pic! Not sure it works if you don’t want to be considered crazy for the rest of eternity… or the next 3 days…

Jordann @ My Alternate Life
Jordann @ My Alternate Life
12/18/2012 7:19 am

I joked to my fiancé that we should open our Christmas presents now “just in case”.

12/18/2012 7:26 am

I’m pretty much planning on still being here!

John S @ Frugal Rules
John S @ Frugal Rules
12/18/2012 9:20 am

“If you haven’t done all your holiday shopping yet, just tell your friends and family that there’s no point getting each other Christmas gifts because we’ll never get the chance to celebrate Christmas this year. Tell them you are busy making end of the world “preparations” and if they really respect you then they will understand, hopefully.” Lol! I wonder how our five year old would take that. 🙂

12/18/2012 9:43 am

That’s a pretty creepy picture! I don’t think I’ve ever stared at a goat long enough to notice that. I think I might have to put it on my list of things to do for next year. 🙂

Man, I wish that excuse would fly; I have barely started my shopping! 🙂

Newlyweds ona Budget (@NewlywedsBudget)

I’m not too worried about the end of the world. I had a great year so if it’s the end, oh well : )

Living Debt Free Rocks!
Living Debt Free Rocks!
12/18/2012 10:52 am

If this is the year that the world will end as we know well I’ll die happy!

The Happy Homeowner
12/18/2012 11:03 am

Haha…love the random fact even if that pic is a bit on the scary side!

Gillian @ Money After Graduation
12/18/2012 11:49 am

haha I love this post. And those eyes are very, very creepy.

Mo' Money Mo' Houses (@momoneymohouses)

Shut up, goats have rectangle pupils? That’s insane!

12/18/2012 9:46 pm

I like how you decorated your freedom bird with Santa’s hat… getting into the festive spirit I see. Tick tock… at least my list isn’t big. 🙂

12/19/2012 3:37 am

Mayans! Cheer up! Don’t worry if your prophecy isn’t fulfilled, it’s not the end of the world you know…LOL

12/19/2012 5:04 am

To all Mayan calandar followers, please, please before tomorrow, take the time the time to redirect all accumulated asset value to “Phil in Ontario” 🙂 Cheers and Happy Holidays to those that survive. Should the world not quite end as anticipated, party will be at my place on the 22nd!